Friday, October 19, 2007

Getting on with getting on

It has been awhile since I last posted and a lot has happened. Most of it good I am glad to say. We went to Chestertown to visit family and friends the week of the 4th of July and had a great time. Till the 4th of July that is. My husband had been having spells occasionally of dizziness which eating or taking a nap helped. The 4th of July after the parade he had a really bad spell of dizziness and after getting to the car and lying down for a short time his symptoms progressed to sweating, vomiting, etc., and couldn't sit up. One of our sons and family went to the hospital with us and when I went to the waiting room to give them an update after he had been taken back and IV's started, etc., I found the rest of the family there. That is a good feeling let me tell you. Anyway 5 hours later and a myriad of medicine, IV fluids and all that it was determined that he had a viral inner ear infection. We spent the next couple of days at the house we had rented and rested, the kids coming to us there. Then we came home, collected our menagerie and rested some more. We had just bought an RV before going to MD and let me tell you, traveling in one of those is so much more relaxing than regular travel. I feel very lucky to have it now. About 2 weeks after coming home the menagerie went back to their various places of boarding and we went to Texas to visit my sister and family. We had such a great visit. They are constantly on the run and I do not know how they keep up with it all. We spent a couple of days at the main house, then on to the ranch and plugged the RV in for the remainder of the stay. We went all over the ranch, was very nice. They have some cattle and buffalo which had some cute calves. I started over closer to the fence and Les quietly said he wouldn't do that if he were me and I took the hint. They look docile enough but apparently they are very protective of their offspring. Sandy has donkeys and we met them also. After lunch at the ranch house we went on to the lake house which is a short distance from the ranch. Gorgeous. I learned how to drive a Ski-Doo, went tubing and boating and just had a great time. Hated to leave and Sandy has since sent us a brochure with lots and homes on the same lake for sale. Hint? LOL We took the RV to Fort Pierce and spent the night in an RV park on the way home and it was so relaxing. We had the dogs with us this time, the cat and birds fended for themselves for 24 hours. Yes we are back to plural dogs. I have missed Honey so, and we passed a sign saying puppies and my husband turned the car around that day and in we went. I didn't expect to come out with one, but a small Yorkie won our hearts. We named him Scooter because he scooted all over when we brought him home. He should have been named Monster Puppy. LOL The cat spent the first 3 days sitting in the bathroom sink glaring at us. After that I guess she figured he was here to stay and came out. Scooter has actually gotten her to play with him for short periods. That is an achievement. And he has gotten our older dog to play with him and it is so cute to watch. They play tug of war and chase each other around.......4 pounds versus 27! I had foot surgery in September, but more on that next time.


At May 5, 2008 at 1:03 PM , Blogger Carole said...

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